
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Insecure Writers Want to Know: What publishing path are you considering/did you take, and why?

            There’s a great question. At this time, I publish YA short stories, mostly with Cricket Magazine. The good thing is that Cricket buys first rights and then, after the 60 day exclusivity period, the rights revert back to the writer—me. This allows me to publish the stories again in any format I like so long as I give first publication credit to Cricket. I believe this is standard practice in publishing. Please advise if you know differently.

            Selling first rights to a market allows for top dollar in that market. Second rights allows for more money being made on the same story. I had published a non-fiction essay in Listen Magazine and received my rights back. Then I sold the same piece to a school board up north for a reading test they were putting together. And again, the rights revert to me.

            Of course, I need to take advantage of having these publishing rights. I should try and publish my short stories as an anthology or as e-book singles. I need my own artwork for any books I publish.

Do any of you have some suggestions for graphic art or how I can make my own photos or artwork look good on covers or pages? These are YA stories, remember.  

Also, if any of you have suggestions on where I should go to self-publish or e-publish short stories for young adults, please offer tips and/or websites or publishers to visit. This is a task I need to learn how to do or learn where to go to look for assistance. I hope to learn lots from your blog posts this month!

            As for my full-length college memoir manuscript…sigh…

            I took the month of August off to work on writing projects, remember? Well, my mother had been sick and in and out of the hospital for a long time. I, like my siblings, had been caring for her, allowing her to live independently as much as possible. In August, that all changed. I spent the month caring for my dying mother in my home. Which I would do again in a heartbeat!

I was only able to submit a few short pieces of writing this past month. The Lord finally blessed my mother with peace on August 27th. And after planning for the funeral, I hope to try and shake some of the sorrow from my shoulders, and hopefully out of my head—even if only for a little while—to be able to concentrate on writing again. Wish me luck!

Thanks for visiting Adventures in Writing. Please follow my blog if you haven’t already and connect with me online. Leave your blog link in the comment so I can be sure to do the same for you.

This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s SupportGroup. We post on the first Wednesday of every month.  To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE.  


  1. Hi Victoria Marie - I'm so sorry to read about your mother ... but as you say she is at peace now. It's always such a difficult time - those last years, months or days and then adjusting ... I'm so glad you were able to be with her - special times.

    Your memoir will have benefited ... and you will get time to write more of your memoir ... but it's great you're getting exposure via your magazine entries. Good luck with it all - and yes we'll learn loads about publishing this month - cheers Hilary

    1. As always, Hilary, it's a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing. Thank you for your kind words. I truly appreciate them. It was and is a difficult time, but as Mom would want me to, eventually, I will move on.

      Here's hoping I’ll move forward with this confounded memoir. Thanks again, Hilary, for leaving a note at Adventures in Writing. It's greatly appreciated.

  2. Losing a parent is hard. Condolences. I have thought about submitting some shorts to magazines. Wishing you the best with your and your writing.

    1. Losing a parent is harder than I thought because Mom was such an active part of my life. Thank you for your condolences.

      You should definitely submit short pieces to magazine. They can be tough to write, but definitely worth your time. Thanks for your comment here at Adventures in Writing, Juneta. Please visit again. All best to you!

  3. Sorry to hear about your mother, Victoria, but I’m glad she found peace, and I trust you will find some peace again soon as well. Shifting the attention won’t be easy, but eventually, I think you’ll be able to let go and concentrate on your memoir writing again. If it’s any consolation, I haven’t been able to work on my memoir either this summer. :-( And, no publishing tips or experience when it comes to YA stories. Sorry!

    1. Thank you, Liesbet. I will move on. It just might take me a little while. Thanks for your understanding. I'm sure we both will be back to memoiring soon.

      I hope your summer was wonderful, gallivanting about as you do. It is always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you!

  4. Victoria, I'm so sorry to hear your mom died. I'm sure the care you gave her was comforting to her. Take care.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Dawn. I truly appreciate them. It was difficult to watch her decline. In the beginning of her stay with us, we could get her to smile and laugh, which was God's gift to us all.

      It is always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing. Thanks for your note. All best to you!

  5. So very sorry for your loss, Victoria. That is great that you took care of her so well. My mom just moved to independent living where I live so I am just embarking on that journey. I'm amazed you wrote anything with all that was going on. Sorry I don't have suggestions for republishing your work.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Natalie. They mean a lot. As hard as it was, I would care for my mother again. I feel it is a privilege after all she's done for me and my family. May your own journey with your mother be as meaningful as mine was. My prayers are with you.

      Thanks for your comment here at Adventures in Writing, Natalie. Please visit again. All best to you!

  6. I'm so sorry about your mom. My dad passed in 2017 at 81 years old and I still miss him a bunch.

    Funny you should mention memoir. A month ago I decided to write one about my years working at a school district and the differences between then and now. If nothing else, I'll leave it for my kids.

    1. I don't think we ever stop missing our parents or any significant person in our life once they pass, T. Thanks for your kind words. They really mean a lot. I think you have a great premise for a memoir, T. Go for it!

      Thanks for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. Please visit again. All best to you!

  7. I'm sorry about the loss of your mother. And I wish you luck with getting those stories out there again.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Tonja. They really mean a lot. And thanks for your good wishes getting my stories out in publication again. They are greatly appreciated.

      Thank you so much for visiting, Adventures in Writing. I truly appreciate your comment. All best to you!

  8. Replies
    1. That's what I always hope to provide for my readers, Anna. We all look to learn something new when we follow or read other blogs.

      Thank you so much for visiting, Adventures in Writing. I truly appreciate your comment. All best to you!

  9. Cricket is a great magazine. My mom submitted to them but without luck. Getting published by them is a great accomplishment.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Chrys. I truly appreciate them. Don't get me wrong. Cricket is a top magazine for children. It's very difficult to get published by them. Unfortunately, they say no as often as they say yes to my stories. Please tell you mother to never give up. She will get there!

      It is always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing. Thanks for your note. All best to you!

  10. Condolences and blessings over your mum. I'm dipping my feet in YA but at the upper end. Congratulations on getting published.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Roland. I truly appreciate them. Good for you, "dipping" your feet in YA. I love creating adventures for young teens. All the luck with it, sir!

      Thank you so much for visiting, Adventures in Writing. I truly appreciate your comment. All best to you!

  11. Sorry about your mother. Prayers for you and your family.
    We have a lot of places listed at the IWSG site. IWSG Admin Diane would be a good one to ask since she owns a publishing company.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Alex. My family and I really appreciate them.

      Thank you for your encouraging words about publishing my short stories. I'll look at the IWSG site and look for Diane under Admin, right? I truly appreciate your comment here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you, sir!

  12. I found this post to be quite informative. You started me thinking on more places one can sell writing. I can't help you with any of your questions since I've had no experience with this. But it sounds like you've been figuring things out.

    The last couple of years of my mother's life I was able to spend a lot more time with her than I had been before and I agree that it was time well spent. I often think of that time even though it was often just sitting in the living room with her watching TV.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Lee. I'm glad this post is informative. That's what I always hope to do: inform writers with my experience.

      Spending time with our loved ones is the important thing in life, I think, Lee. Thanks for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you, sir!

  13. Happy Belated IWSG Day!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
    Sorry for the loss of your mother, but glad to know she's found peace. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.
    Congrats on your magazine publications.
    As for where to self-publish, I believe the IWSG site has a list that might be helpful.

  14. Thank you for your kind words, Toi. They are greatly appreciated. And thanks for your good wishes about my magazine publications. I'll need to check out self-publishing at IWSG. Thanks for the tip!

    And thanks for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you, Toi!

  15. I don't know much about graphic art. Good luck with that.

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother. You and your family are in my prayers.

  16. Thank you so much for your kind words, Michelle. They are truly appreciated. Yes, graphic art is definitely an art form. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about it.

    It is always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing. Thanks for your note. All best to you!

  17. Oh my goodness, this has been a tough time for you. You're so strong, though, and I know you'll find a path through. Have you heard of duotrope for finding short story markets?

  18. Thank you for your kind words, Raimey. I truly appreciate them. No, I haven't heard of duotrope. I'll need to look them up and start submitting. Thanks for the tip. And thanks for your note here at Adventures in Writing. All best to you!
