
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Insecure Writers Want to Know: Does Spring Inspire You to Write More Than in Other Seasons?

            Ah spring, the awakening of nature! Or is it more a rebirth of creation? Writers, as well as other artists, create. If we think in terms of creation, writers create new worlds, whether they’re alien, paranormal, magical, historical, or contemporary. These worlds must be logical and the writer needs to understand them explicitly. Writers also need to populate any new world with realistic characters and create believable struggles and offer new insights. If writers consider the spring season as a time of new creation, then yes, it can be a great inspiration to begin something new.

Do I, personally, write more in springtime than in other seasons? I don’t think so. I try to write the same amount in all seasons—as much as possible. Notice the important verb in that sentence: try. My writing comes in many forms; i.e., blog posts, comments, and social media and e-mails, writing workshop presentations, fiction works in progress, and of course, my memoir about attending college as a mother of five.

I fret over each word, which is a real problem for me. In any one of those writing endeavors, I can run short on “what comes next.” The family can intrude in my space. And my personal realm as a writer can come crashing down without warning. Since this can happen at any time, I try to write as much as possible whenever I can.

The key for me is to ignore the internet, pray the family don’t find me, and not look out the window, not until I’ve finished at least some of the writing I have scheduled for the day.

Uh oh! My eyes just glanced out the window. The sunshine is kissing the flowers. You’ll have to excuse me. My lilacs are in full bloom. The Lily of the Valley needs plucking. Birds and bunnies call attention to themselves in blossoming apple and cherry trees and on sharp green lawns. Suddenly, my senses need filling. I’ll get back to my writing creations after a cleansing of my mind on a walk in springtime.  

Thank you for visiting Adventures in Writing. Please follow my blog if you haven’t already and connect with me online. Leave your blog link in the comment so I can be sure to do the same for you.

This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s SupportGroup. We post on the first Wednesday of every month.  To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE.  


  1. I like how you think of writing as all the parts of it, not just writing your manuscript. I definitely write every day for my job, blog, etc. and try to write for myself when I can. We just are finally getting spring here. Looking forward to seeing more flowers out my window soon too.

    1. New Jersey's had a hard winter. I thought spring would never get here. I LOVE the spring flowers. Although I just heard that it will be 90 degrees here tomorrow. What crazy weather.

      It's always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing, Natalie. Thanks so much for your comment. All best to you, my dear.

  2. "ignore the internet, pray the family don’t find me, and not look out the window" He-he. Sometimes it's more difficult than other times to get that right ;-)

    Ronel visiting on Insecure Writer's Support Group day: Autumn Decisions

    1. Oh my gosh is that right, Ronel! Thanks so much for your note here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy your week.

  3. I agree. There are distractions every season, inside and out. I prefer autumn for writing. I can write at my desk, look out at the colors, and still be productive. Spring draws me outside too often.

    1. I love all seasons, D.R. I enjoy the smells of spring, the sunshine and warmth of summer, and the crunch of autumn and winter. Nuts! It's tough to stay inside in any season for me. And bravo to you to remain at your desk when you see those stunning fall colors.

      Thanks so much for your comment at Adventures in Writing, D.R. Enjoy your week.

  4. "Don't look out the window, if you want to be productive writing." I couldn't agree more. See what just happened! :-)

    That being aid, I used to be more distracted by nice weather and guilty about sitting behind the computer when the sun was shining in a blue sky. What that got me, is being in year three of writing my memoir. So, it is important to focus now, "avoid" spring, and hopefully, not feel guilty about leaving my computer and writing projects during summer. :-)

    1. Well said, Liesbet! It's tough, though. More power to you for being so diligent with your memoir. I will be sending you about 6 pages, the opening scene to my memoir, tonight. You have been so patient with me. Thank you!

      And thanks for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated more than you realize. Have a good week!

  5. I hear that. Staring out the window just a moment ago. So pretty. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Isn't it though. It truly makes it difficult to stay inside, chained to your manuscript, er, computer.

      It's always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing, Anna. Thanks so much for your comment. All best to you.

  6. I take it you have to hide in your own house often then.
    The season doesn't matter to me. I'd rather be inside anyway.

    1. Yes I do, Alex. Pathetic, isn't it? Although sometimes I break it up a bit and hide at the local library.

      I'm an outdoors girl, Alex, which is why my family and I camp during the summer. I love to explore and hike no matter the weather. And that keeps me from writing as much as I should, and that's why I'm a participating member of your wonderful online group, the Insecure Writers Support Group. Thanks, Chief!

      Always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing. Have a good day!

  7. Actually, I usually write with my window open. The green helps my brain move.

    1. Oh I love to open my windows, Crystal. I think it lets nature into our homes.

      Thanks for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated more than you realize. Have a good week!

  8. I get easily distracted if I'm outside! The flowers need watering, the porch needs sweeping, etc.

    1. Oh there's so much yard work to do around the home; isn't there Jennifer? It's easy to get distracted in the outdoors. That's why it's important to actually go outside for recreation once in a while. You know, like after you've done your writing for the day.

      Thanks for your note here at Adventures in Writing. It's greatly appreciated. Have a good week!

  9. I like to look out the window when writing if I have one that can be opened. When we lived that one year at the lake house I really enjoyed that as my view.

    1. Oh my gosh, Juneta! If I had a beautiful lake view to look at from the window, I'd ALWAYS be outside. Not good for me.

      Thanks so much for your note here at Adventures in Writing. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. I also fret over every word. This is one of the many reasons why, for me, writing is such a slow process.

    1. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Rosemary! Thanks so much for stopping by.

      I am the same way. I write very slowly. Many times I tell myself this is ridiculous, but I can't seem to change it.

      Thanks for your note here at Adventures in Writing. Please visit again.

  11. We've had a hard winter, but I actually prefer cold weather. I'm good with snow, too, as long as it doesn't turn into treacherous ice on the roads. That said, I am looking forward to the lilacs blooming (maybe in a week or so - so late this year). I'm with you on ignoring the internet - it is such a time and soul sucker.

    1. I love all the seasons. I love walking and building snowmen in the winter, but I'm with you about the ice. Slippery ice makes it impossible to walk or drive. Oh I had so much fun this morning sniffing everyone's beautiful lilacs. They're one of my favorite flowers. So ephemeral though.

      I think the internet sucks everyone’s soul at times. Thanks for your note here at Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated. All best to you!

  12. My lilacs aren't quite in bloom, but I noticed that my bleeding hearts are up, just waiting for their photo shoot. Keep moving forward and putting one word after the next, even if it means drawing the blinds. I know you will succeed!

    1. Thank you so much for your vote of confidence, Erika. I truly need it. My blinds are drawn today, but it's because of the summer-like weather in New Jersey. Oh by the way, I discovered my bleeding hearts are blooming as well. Such beautiful plants.

      It's always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing, Erika. Have a good day!

  13. I also TRY to write in all seasons, but I also think that I'm much more productive in the warmer weather. Great post! And happy IWSG day. :)

    1. All we can do is try, Raimey. Why do you think you are more productive in warmer weather? Are you more of a cold weather walker?

      Thanks for your kind words. And thanks for your note here at Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated. All best to you!

  14. Since moving to the US from Wales, and the view has changed to houses from mountains and an estuary, weather distractions have diminished. But, I still find other things to distract me from writing. Just trying to ignore them this Spring.

  15. I guess weather distractions would diminish, Roland. I would have been hard-pressed to leave a beautiful view behind, but the US has wonderful national parks to visit. Oh, it's so easy to become distracted when writing--especially when things aren't going right for me or my characters. All the luck with ignoring them, Roland.

    Thanks for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated. All best to you!

  16. I am happy you take time for yourself and enjoy a lovely walk appreciating the lovely landscapes and warm breezes. You have a busy life and you need to take care of yourself too. Love the theme for your memoir. Bet you have a LOT of stories to tell. I'm writing a memoir now also. I love revisiting my life--what a different perspective looking back 40 years.
    JQ Rose

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, J. Q. They are greatly appreciated. I have tons of stories to share. I just need to make sure I share only the stories that help Victoria move forward in her memoir journey attending college. That's the difficult part. But you are correct. Revisiting life with a different perspective is what makes memoir rich.

      Thanks for your note here at Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated. All best to you!

  17. Love the idea of linking the creative energy of writing with the creation of new life in spring. So inspirational! Thanks for sharing

  18. Spring can be so distracting... A charming post, very spring-like.

    1. Yes indeed, Olga, but sometimes, I need the distraction. Thanks for your kind words here at Adventures in Writing. I appreciate them. Enjoy your day!

  19. Thanks for your kind words, M.L. I truly appreciate them. I love venturing out springtime. It truly is inspirational.

    Thanks for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated more than you realize. Have a good week!

  20. The weather does distract me too. If it looks beautiful out, I just need to be out. My son likes being outside also! Great post! Hopefully some rainy days will come so you can get more writing done.

    1. Seriously Michelle! I think the sun calls to me, sometimes. I know for sure I can't think about it or I'd get nothing done. More power to you for taking your little guy out to explore and absorb the sunshine.

      It's always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing, Michelle. Have a good day!

  21. Hello Victoria!
    Thanks for the refreshing post!
    I don't think that my writing frequency or word counts are determined/affected by the seasons.
    On second thoughts, I haven't monitored it close enough to be certain...

    It's autumn my end of the globe and I'm enjoying the 'perfect in between weather' which is 'not-too-hot' but no-trace-of-the-cold-either'. Along the coast, we actually have the perfect weather, and that's why our locals flock here every winter.
    Writer In Transit

    1. So interesting the different parts of the globe, isn't it, Michelle? I love autumn for some of the same reasons I love spring, all the color and the beautifully mild temperatures. But in autumn, I get to crunch through leaves. I live for that!

      Thanks for your comment here at Adventures in Writing. It's appreciated more than you realize. Have a good weekend!
