
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Insecure Writers want to know: Have you taken advantage of the annual A to Z Challenge in terms of marketing, networking, publicity for your book?

            Unfortunately, I have not. I’m still working on that memoir book about attending college as a mother of five. Crawling forward ever so slowly. And those five children—in addition to their father—still want the lion’s share of my time.

*Aren’t I the lucky one?*

It’s time to run to the library again, to turn off my cell phone. To hide among the stacks. But then I worry that something bad happens and no one can reach me.


            As for networking, I have some of you fellow IWSG bloggers. I read and follow your blogs hoping to form solid connections, connections where we can ask each other advice when necessary. I cherish each one of you who follow my blog and leave me notes. You keep my spirits up, so that when I finally do have that memoir in hand, I hope to be able to turn to you all for support and information on how to publicize and sell the memoir. I’ve learned so much just by reading all your blogs.

            I feel like I’m scattered to the winds with my facebook author page, google+, twitter @VictoriaMLees, Goodreads page, and 2 blogs. I have a Camping with Five Kids blog that I update at the beginning of the month as well as this writing blog.

I do have a few questions about your experience in platform building though:

Even though I have no book, should I create a webpage with my blogs and social media connected to it? I have nothing to sell. Do you have any suggestions for what I could put on the landing page?

What about an e-mail list? Do you have one?
How did you start it? Do you need to solicit e-mail addresses separately for list purposes?

I need to offer a newsletter to the e-mail list in regular mailings, right?
What do you write about in any newsletter you send to an e-mail list?
How difficult are the Email marketing services to use? Which one do you use?

Thanks so much for stopping by Adventures in Writing and offering any advice or experience you may have about these topics. Please follow my blog if you haven’t already. It’s greatly appreciated.  

This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. We post on the first Wednesday of every month.  To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE.  


  1. A webpage is great but blogging seems to do the trick without expenses.
    anything you can do to getyour name out there is a good thing though.
    One of my favorite advice sites/heroes is The Creative Penn. Joanna Penn not only publishes, but does a fantastic blog, podcast, and email. She is on Facebook and Twitter, two of my favorite social media sites, as well as many others.

    1. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing!

      Thank you so much for this info about how to get my name out there! I truly appreciate your opinion and the suggestion of whom to go to and follow about this. I'll check Joanna Penn out. Thanks so much for visiting Adventures in Writing and leaving a note. It is greatly appreciated.

  2. Hi Victoria - I expect you've heard of Elizabeth Spann Craig .. she blogs here - she has lots of down to earth ideas too ... as Joanna. Take it easy and slowly - cheers and good luck and I'm doing the A-Z ... Hilary

  3. Thanks for the link and kind words, Hilary. I'll check out Elizabeth, too. Good luck with your A-Z challenge!

    Always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing, Hilary. Thanks again!

  4. Before I published, I just had my blog and author FB page. After I published a couple of ebooks I created my website. It is best to have a website when you can put books on it. Your blog is enough for now and will do more for you than a website at this point. You can check out my website to see what I do on my landing page:

    I started my newsletter two years ago. That was after I published several ebooks and one print book. You definitely want to have a following on your blog and elsewhere before you create a newsletter. Otherwise, you would be wasting your time, which would be better spent writing or blogging.

    I have a post on my blog about creating newsletters that'll answer your questions:

    Good luck with everything!

  5. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Chrys! Thank you for following my blog. It is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you so much for this info about websites and newsletters. I will definitely check out your post on newsletters and your website. I really appreciate your sharing your knowledge with me. Thanks for your comment on Adventures in Writing. All the best to you!

  6. Attending college without any kids is a challenge, so with five kids it had to be monumental. Hats off to you, Victoria. If you can do that, you can do anything.

  7. Thank you so much for your kind words, Lee. And thank you for visiting Adventures in Writing and leaving a note. It's greatly appreciated. All best to you!

  8. I am so not the one to offer advice on marketing and promotion. I have my blog and I'm on Goodreads, that's it. :) But the wonderful members of IWSG will certainly have some excellent info for you. :)

  9. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Madeline! Thank you so much for your comment. Yes! I'm learning so much from the bloggers I'm following at IWSG. Thank you again for visiting Adventures in Writing. It is greatly appreciated. All the best to you.

  10. I've only just started an email list. I'm not convinced it's going to work, but I'll keep my mind open. What you need to do is find your audience. That doesn't necessarily mean other writers, which you attract through your blog. I also recommend Joanna Penn. She has a lot of helpful tips.

    1. Thank you, Lynda. I've just connected with Joanna and am reading some of her posts and books.

      All the luck with your new email list. How did you begin your list?

      Always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing. Thanks for your advice.

  11. when one of my books was set to release near april, i centered my theme around it, plus some writing advice because i dont like marketing... so only the one time

    as for building a platform or brand... i would wait until you have a cover to build around. if you have small stuff you've written, you can start there. sounds like you're pretty busy though. i just started my newsletter, but like i said i don't like to solicit or market to my blog friends or on facebook - i know that's part of the deal and i should, but i get most of my email addresses from events where i sell my books. it's the main place for folks to see what i'm up to =) my blog is for connecting with writers

    Tara Tyler Talks

    1. Thank you so much for this, Tara! I must admit; I am totally insecure at selling myself or any writing I do. Gathering e-mail addresses at your events is a great idea.

      What Lynda said above is key, too: defining my audience specifically. It's very difficult to do though.

      Thanks so much, Tara, for visiting my Adventures in Writing blog and leaving great advice. It's truly appreciated.

  12. I don't have a book. I started my email list when I started my blog. It has been slow growing but in the last two years I have gained a lot.

    I just involved myself in groups. I have a fan page, a twitter, a google, I followed people, I re tweet people, I interact where i can. My list hit 90 last month with me doing nothing but what you see.

    I have not worked at it. My thinking if I worked at it, it would take off. Being a writer is slow and small steps but when you look back over the small steps look how far you came from nothing--I am so grateful and I have not even gotten started working it really.

    I bet you've come a long way from where you started too. I created my own landing page, but I keep my blog as where people land, because that is where my activity is located. When I have a book I will change it.

    I'll help with anything you think I could help you with so just ask. Email from my contact and I'll respond. It goes to my main email.

    ' Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  13. Juneta, you are treasure for the tired writer's soul, someone who will share what she knows. Many congratulations on hitting 90 e-mail addresses. I believe I have connected with you on all media, but I'll check. I'll also contact you through e-mail to ask further questions. Thanks again for sharing your advice at Adventures in Writing. Bless you!

  14. My blog is my website. Always has been.
    Starting an email list now is a great idea. Plus a newsletter. I never did for myself, but glad we have one for the IWSG. Check out Elizabeth S. Craig's posts on newsletters. She's really good with them.

  15. Thank you for this, Alex. I have connected with Elizabeth and have been reading her posts and writings. She's terrific also. Thank you for sharing your insight on Adventures in Writing, and thanks for creating an awesome group of writers at IWSG.
