
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Worlds of Wonder: Middle Grade Fantasy Guest post by Author Darcy Pattison

It is my privilege, today, to introduce Darcy Pattison to everyone.  Darcy is a well-published children’s writer with a host of fiction and non-fiction titles on her shelf.  Her shelves also contain books on writing and publishing in today’s market.  She holds writing workshops at Highlights Foundation Workshops at Chautauqua and at other conferences as well as online.
Children's Writer, Darcy Pattison

Darcy is going to talk about her newest title, Liberty, a middle grade adventure story on the high seas.  This is a tale of struggle and hard work to obtain dreams.  It’s a tale of learning to believe in oneself in order to help others. 

Welcome, Darcy, to Adventures in Writing.  And thank you for sharing some of your writing expertise with our readers.   
My pleasure, Victoria Marie, and thank you for having me. 
One of the most important elements in children's literature is a sense of wonder. As a children's book author, you must remember that children don't have a strong base of experiences to draw upon. Everything is new - and full of wonder. The appeal of fantasy is exactly the same thing, that this story reaches outside the realm of everyday and takes them to a new place for new experiences.
In my new middle grade fantasy, LIBERTY, I play upon that need for new experiences by starting with pigs on Farmer MacDonald's farm, the normal world. Quickly, though, you realize this story won't stay near home. Santiago Talbert is a pig who wants to sail the seven seas! Pigs at sea? Yes!
Darcy Pattison's new
            release book cover
The story started soon after 9/11 when I sat at the dinner table with my elementary school age son and his friend and asked what I should write about next. 
Pigs, they said. 
Okay, but what will the pigs do?
Go sailing.
From a simple conversation the concept grew. Santiago and Penelope Talbert leave the farm and go to the mythical land of Liberty, where any intelligent creature—human or animal—can get ahead in the world. They learn the world of sailing and map making and finally join the crew of the H'alloween, where the polar bear Captain harbors a dark secret.
It's a journey or a quest, a coming of age story. The character's growth was important to keep in mind. They move from naive about the world to savvy sailors. But the deeper question is how do you decide what you value in life? The Talberts' character qualities are challenged by their adventures. Will they pursue selfish dreams? How will they treat others?
For this type of fantasy, it's been important to keep the character change in mind. The adventures aren't just for action's sake, but instead to put the characters in positions where they must choose a course of action. Quests are about discovery of new places, but most importantly about discovery of a character about him/herself. While revising, I went back often to check exactly what they said at important points and made a list of these statements. Then, I read through them to be sure there was an emotional progression that made sense.
LIBERTY is a story about following your dreams while holding onto your ideals. Set in the fascinating era of tall ships, it's a rousing story of danger on the high seas. But in the midst of the action, Penelope and Santiago grow up and become the sort of pigs that take care of their friends.
               Thank you so much for this post, Darcy.  If you are interested in purchasing Darcy’s new release, you may access it through these links:
Mims House publisher's site for print books:

Have a beautiful day, everyone! 


  1. Sounds like a great story about friendship and going for your dreams with some high seas adventure in the mix. I'll definitely look into it for my grandnieces. Their mother loves pigs, too. Best Wishes!

  2. Hello and welcome to Adventures in Writing, Gail! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a note. Liberty is a great adventure tale. I've read it and like it. I'm sure your grandnieces will be impressed. All the best and thanks for visiting Adventures in Writing.

  3. Pigs at sea? Now that's something you don't see everyday. Sounds adorable.

    1. See? That's what I said, Tamara, when Darcy asked me to read her book. These are strong-willed pigs, with determination and care for their fellow creatures. It's a good book. Thanks so much for stopping by Adventures in Writing and leaving a note. It's greatly appreciated! All the best to you.

  4. Oh it is, Michelle. A wonderful middle grade adventure. Thank you so much for visiting Adventures in Writing and leaving a comment. It is really appreciated. All the best, my dear!

  5. So cool that you have Darcy Pattison here. I always see her writing book in bookstores.

    Love how the seed was planted for this book. Sounds like a great read!

  6. Hello, Theresa, always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing. I am definitely honored to have Darcy Pattison write a guest post for my blog. She is an amazing writer and we all can learn so much from her. Liberty is, indeed, a great read! Thanks again, Theresa, for stopping by Adventures in Writing and leaving a note. Hope all is well.

  7. Congratulations to Darcy! This sounds a good story line to have and to read.

    Hi Victoria!

  8. Always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing, Nas. Darcy's middle grade adventure is quite interesting. I enjoyed it. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a note. It is greatly appreciated.

  9. Thank you so much, Marie. Always a pleasure seeing you here at Adventures in Writing. All the best, my dear!
