
Friday, January 8, 2016

Synopsis Is Not a Bad Word
Sometimes writing synopses can be like 
trudging through the tundra. 
It requires much stamina and effort, 
but it builds character in authors.

            Happy New Year, everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and are ready to get back to work on your dreams.                                                                                                            
            For me, it’s time to look for professional editing for my memoir about attending college with five children in tow instead of continuously changing and tweaking it.  To that end, I came across an offer after watching an excellent webinar called “The Synopsis Solution” presented by Jennie Nash, a book coach, for a critique of a synopsis for my memoir. 

            I was impressed.  Jennie gave concrete information and examples.  So I’m taking the chance.  Now all I need is that synopsis of my memoir.  *Gulp*

            Besides giving the format of a synopsis: single-spaced, present tense, third person, no more than three pages, Jennie informed her listeners to “tell a story and hook the reader” –even in the synopsis.  Not everything can be included in the synopsis summary of the story.  Use the main thrust of the story and give a resolution.      

            While I understood to tell whose story it was, in memoir or fiction, I never tried the line of thinking:  because this thing happens, the next thing happens and then the next thing.  I’ve heard of cause and effect, plot points, internal struggle.

            So I stepped back and looked at my memoir about attending college with five children in tow. 

            Because I had no prior college classes, I needed to take a Basic Skills test in order to begin my college journey.  And because I hadn’t had any upper level math courses or any algebra in *ahem* eons, I failed the math portion of the test.  And because of failing the math portion of the test, I needed to take basic skills math classes in order to begin my college journey.

            Okay, so that’s the external beginning of what happened.  What’s the internal struggle I faced?  Well aside from numerous motherhood duties, I couldn’t leave my fear of failure behind—that nagging thought that I wasn’t properly prepared for college—to be able to think positively, to engage in an experience of learning. 

            Then just when I thought I might be able to succeed in college, I was offered a scholarship at the University of Pennsylvania.  And another belief was tested, never to let opportunity pass me by.  I had to go to Penn.  I just had to, or another nemesis would enter the picture.  Regret.  Even if I failed, I had to try. 

            Wow!  Where did this all come from.  I could go on, but I need to write that three-page synopsis for critique.  I’ll keep you posted as to my experience and knowledge learned.

            Please share any tips or experiences you may have about writing synopses.  All the best to each of you in 2016!


  1. Hello Victoria Maria! So nice to meet you. I'm your newest Follower, also. Thanks so much for following my blog, Writing Straight from the Heart. Looking forward to many visits in 2016! Susan

    1. Hello and welcome, Susan, to my Adventures in Writing blog. Thank you so much for following me and leaving a kind note. It is greatly appreciated. All the best in 2016.

  2. I wish you all the luck with your synopsis. I'm sure it will be great! You are a fabulous writer.

    1. Michelle, you are good for the soul. Thank you so much for your kind words, and thanks for visiting my Adventures in Writing blog. All the best in 2016.

  3. I wish you great success with your synopsis!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Marie. Always a pleasure to hear from you on Adventures in Writing. All the best in 2016.

  4. Wishing you the best with the synopsis. Don't really have any other advice other than to keep at it. It always comes together somehow! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Karen, for visiting my Adventures in Writing blog and leaving your good wishes. They are greatly appreciated. All the best in 2016!

  5. Wow! You are really on the road to completion in your memoir project. Good for you! The synopsis seems like it could be one of the more difficult steps in the process. I've never done one other than book reports back in school and I guess that wasn't totally the same thing. Good luck!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thank you so much, Lee, for visiting my Adventures in Writing blog. I'm certainly going to give the memoir a boost with this synopsis thing. Thanks for your good wishes. All the best in 2016!

  6. Good luck with it!
    Sounds like you've gotten good guidance so far.

    1. Thank you so much, Jennifer, for your good wishes. Yes, I believe this guidance will benefit my memoir. Thanks for visiting my Adventures in Writing blog. All the best in 2016!

  7. Sounds like you are doing well. You're certainly determined enough to get it done. Writing a synopsis is not one of my favourite things but it's great once they are done ;)

  8. This is true, Lynda. Synopses force the writer to look closely at their manuscript to summarize it. Thank you so much for visiting my Adventures in Writing blog and leaving your good wishes. They are greatly appreciated. All the best in 2016!

  9. Thank you, Dawn. Always a pleasure to see you at Adventures in Writing. All the best in 2016!
